ATEX Certified

The ATEX directive consists of two EU directives describing what equipment and work space is allowed in an environment with an explosive atmosphere. ATEX derives its name from the French title of the 94/9/EC directive: Appareils destinés à être utilisés en Atmosphères Explosives
“…potentially explosive atmosphere…”
The regulations apply to all equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres, whether electrical or mechanical, including protective systems.
In very broad terms, there are three preconditions for the directive to apply: the equipment
a) must have its own effective source of ignition;
b) be intended for use in a potentially explosive atmosphere (air mixtures); and
c) be under normal atmospheric conditions.
The directive also covers components essential for the safe use and safety devices directly contributing to the safe use of the equipment in scope. These latter devices may be outside the potentially explosive environment
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